Reading, Phonics & Spelling

Reading at Kingswood Parks Primary School

Children feeling engaged and enthused in reading underpins our approach to teaching reading and phonics.

We believe that children who read for pleasure are far more creative writers and have advanced comprehension and inference skills.

Phonics teaching runs throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One, continuing on into Key Stage Two as targeted intervention.

Daily shared, guided and independent reading sessions teach children how to read, children are encouraged to read at home 5 times a week in order to develop their fluency and expression.

We have a vast range of books, which enable children to make progress in their reading at their own individualised rate.

As children become more proficient readers, they have the opportunity to choose texts to read for pleasure from the Reading Park.


Reading and spelling walk hand in hand together; segmenting and blending are inverse operations. Therefore, we use the linguistic phonics programme, Sounds-Write, to teach both throughout the school.

The children are taught to both read and spell through explicit teaching and practice of a variety of skills and concepts:


• Blending

• Segmenting

• Phonic Manipulation


• letters are symbols that represent sounds

• sounds can be spelled using 1,2 3 or 4 letters

• the same sound can be spelled in more than one way (rain, break, gate, stay)

• many spellings can represent more than one sound (head, seat, break)

In Reception and KS1, children have a daily phonics lesson following the clear, consistent and cumulative Sounds-Write programme. In Key Stage Two, children have 4 spelling lessons per week where the National Curriculum is taught using the Sounds-Write approach.

Children group and categorise words based on the sound-spelling correspondences and all lessons include both the reading and writing of vocabulary. Throughout the school, the Sounds-Write programme ensures a mastery approach to spelling due to its repeated exposure to a wide range of vocabulary.

In addition to their spelling lessons, children are constantly immersed in a vocabulary-rich environment through a broad and balanced curriculum. Whenever new words are encountered, they are analysed, taking into consideration the sound-spelling correspondences, syllable structure, etymology and morphology of the word as appropriate. We aim to promote a genuine interest and love for exploring words, committing both the meaning and spelling of the word to long term memory.

‘Pupils behave sensibly around the school during social times. They support each other and show care and consideration for

OFSTED comments

‘Activities are well thought out and structured. Children develop their reading and number skills through play.’…

OFSTED comments

‘School assemblies give pupils the opportunity to
think about others and the communities they live in’…

OFSTED comments

‘Teachers and staff have very high expectations of pupils. Pupils are clear about
these expectations and work hard to meet them’…

OFSTED comments

‘Making reading exciting and interesting, is at the heart of the school’s learning programmes’…

OFSTED comments

‘The school offers pupils lots of opportunities for learning beyond their lessons’…

OFSTED comments

‘The behaviour of pupils is exceptional. Pupils work with each other and this allows them to learn and succeed’…

OFSTED comments

‘Younger pupils learn their phonics knowledge well. Anyone who does fall behind
gets the support they need to catch up’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils are proud when elected as members of the school council’…

OFSTED comments

‘High-quality reading books provide a basis for lots of learning. There is a new book to study every half term in every year group.’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils are very proud of the work they do in their ‘mastery of skills’

OFSTED comments

‘The quality of education is good. Leaders have planned the curriculum with lots of thought’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils enjoy out-of-school visits and they learn from visitors to the school too’…

OFSTED comments

‘Pupils told us that they feel safe and well looked after in their school’…

OFSTED comments

‘Children are safe and happy in the early years. There are clear routines which allow children to develop independence. ‘…

OFSTED comments